Search the jobs on 15 Best Job Search Websites Finding a job online can be a simple task if we know where to look. There are plenty of websites dedicated specifically to job search and thanks to them, we can even find the job of our dreams. Times have changed a lot. Not too long ago, it was necessary to visit shops, offices or factories with the CV in hand to, in most cases, end up stacked among a mountain of leaves with as many other applicants for the position. Finding work was a fierce fight, forcing us to move as much as possible throughout the city. And it was more difficult to get a job if our intentions were to seek a change of residence in another city. Now times have changed. At the click a host of web pages that help us find work, being able to select aspects of the job, category or location of employment at our whim. Of course, having so easy to register for a job offer makes the competition much greater, forcing us to make our CV stand out above the rest. So ...