KISS Foundation Wins Hearts with Its Generosity

Dr. Achyuta Samanta is an esteemed member of parliament in the Lok Sabha for Kandhamal Odisha. While most people might know him for this, they seldom get to see the various charities he helps and is a part of, along with his own venture, the KISS foundation. This Indian social worker, educationist and philanthropist have also recently been a major part of a news story taking place in the Chhanchunia Village of Pallahara Block in Angul district. Although the story is further elaborated below, it would not be wrong to say that he just saved the lives of three orphans.

Amulya Champia of Gennali Sahi passed away a few months back, leaving their family of 7 children to his wife, Subini. With the eldest daughter already married off, Subini had to take care of the 6 others along with her. Given Subini's lack of experience working outside, she somehow managed to keep their family afloat, with a lot of struggle. However, unfortunately, only 3 months after Amulya's passing away, Subini was diagnosed with malaria and did not make it through.

This tragic incident left Reshmita, the oldest of the 6, with all the responsibility. Just to make ends meet, she had to start working. However, without experience, all she could manage was a job, taking r of the pets of other villagers. This only helped her earn a very nominal amount, making it hard for them to gather food.

Such a heart-breaking story made it to the news and caught Dr. Achyuta Samanta's eyes. Without wasting any tie, he immediately looked for the kids' location, and with the help of his staff, was able to find them. The KISS foundation was the first help these orphans got. Along with food and water, Dr. Achyuta offered to give them 10,000 RS every month till they can manage proper good living standards and also free education at the KISS University.

Such care for the society and the country as a whole from Dr. Samanta only inspires the youth of India and encourages them to do better and more good.


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