What is Ultrasound, and Why is It so Widely Used?

If you are well-versed with the medical industry, you might have often heard the term ultrasound thrown around. However, not many understand or even know the proper use of ultrasound and how it can help. To start with, it is a simple sound wave that is moved around your body to recognise any specific ailments. The sound wave is generated from a device known as the transducer. The wave emitted then hits your body's fluid, bones and tissues, bouncing back to the transducer. The machine then converts the results into images, helping the doctor understand what the right treatment is. Any facility that conducts tests like an xray in Gorakhpur will also have an ultrasound machine.

However, doctors like to use ultrasound more often than not because it is more efficient and safer. Firstly I do not include any x-rays, omitting the possible complications of that, and secondly, it can help create a versatile number of images. As far as the patient goes, both these tests are pain-free and do not require any prior preparation.


What are some general applications of ultrasound?

Now that you know what ultrasound is, it is time to understand its uses in the medical field. Here mentioned are some of the most common applications of ultrasound.

For pregnancy:

Perhaps one of the most popular uses of ultrasound, such images can give your doctor a lot of information about the foetus, which would otherwise have not been possible to gather. Data about the baby's age, position, even their overall health are all clear only because of ultrasound. With prenatal ultrasound, you can tell the baby's gender as well. However, that is prohibited in most hospitals. While a conventional ultrasound provides a 2-D image, with newer technology now, you can get 4-D and 3-D images.

For blood vessel issues

A certain kind of ultrasound known as Doppler ultrasound can provide images showing your blood passing through arteries and veins. With this, a doctor can tell if there are any blood clots or blockages that need to be attended in your circulatory system. A Doppler ultrasound is more commonly used after surgery on any blood vessel to see if your blood flow is back to normal.

For abdominal issues

Abdominal ultrasound can significantly help recognise and treat bellyache, swelling and even bloating. The images help the doctor understand and see your liver, gallbladder, kidneys, spleen and even pancreas. Having a better understanding of what is going on inside can help gather better resources to help treat the problem.

If you are looking to avail of Ultrasound in Gorakhpur, you cannot go wrong with Apollo. Known across the whole nation for their customer-friendly service and trained professionals, they can surely help you with any of the above-mentioned issues. Rest assured, with Apollo Gorakhpur, you will not have to worry about any high-cost treatments as they have some of the most reasonable prices in the industry.


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