Education is the Third Eye of a Child

KISS is a residential educational Institution providing free education, accommodation, medical care, vocational, athletic and artistic training to 60,000 Indigenous children. The students come from 62 different tribal communities within the region, of which 13 are particularly vulnerable tribal groups.

This is the real life case of Baset Besra, an orphan tribal child belonging to the Santal tribe of a remote village of keonjhar district in Odisha who has found a new life with the help of KISS.

Gorandijodi is a small remote village in Saharapada Block of Keonjhar district. This village had no communication facility earlier. Now a pucca road connects the village with Sal trees on both sides. The village consists of -20- Adivasi families. Baset is the fourth child of Budhuram Besra and Raimili Besra. His father is a mason by profession. The mother also works as a daily wager. The family used to make both ends meet with a lot of difficulty. Unable to find a sustainable job, Budhuram settled in his in-law’s house. Here he was afflicted with fever. His wife could not arrange for his treatment due to lack of funds. Ultimately Budhuram breathed his last. It was a very stressful period for Raimili who was pregnant with Baset. After Baset was born, Raimili pulled on for some days with the help of her brothers. But being a person with self-respect, she came back to her own village, leaving behind the eldest child in the care of her brothers. She spent her days with her mother-in-law as her own house was in a dilapidated condition. Raimili & the elder daughters started to work as daily wagers. But it was not sufficient for them to survive. So she sent her daughters to rear domestic animals with other people. Though poor, Raimili was conscious about providing education to Baset.

Baset’s life took a turn for the better when he was admitted into KISS in class –I - with the help of her uncle. Baset found a new lease of life at KISS. But he lost his mother when he was in class –IV-. Baset became an orphan & was crest fallen. Since that day, he is surviving under the care & patronage of Prof. Samanta. He no longer considers herself to be an orphan with a father figure handholding her. He is blossoming like a flower in the beautiful environment & garden of KISS. KISS provided him support & succour during the most tumultuous days of his life. Now he is class –IX. He is an ideal student & an example for others. He hopes to grow into a good human being in future. He owes everything in his life to Prof. Samanta.  Besides getting a formal education, he is encouraged to preserve his traditional culture, language & craft at KISS. Baset hopes to become an engineer in future & fulfil his destiny with the grace of Lord. KISS is the harbinger of a new life for Baset & he is grateful for it.

In terms of Population, the scheduled tribe population constitutes 22.8% of the total population of Odisha as per the 2021 Census.

Santhalis are the third largest tribe of India. In Odisha, the tribe is divided into several totemic exogamous clans. Their basic occupation revolves around the forests. Basic needs are fulfilled by hunting, fishing & cultivation. The talents are passed on from one generation to another. Dancing & singing are part of their community life. Santhali language belongs to the Austo-Asiatic language family. Santhalis have their own village deities like Marang Baru, Monreko Tureiko, Jahar Era & Gosani Era.

Besides Governmental Intervention, KISS is playing an important role in providing a new lease of life to children like Baset in a state like Odisha with a predominant tribal population. Orphan boys & girls from the marginalized tribal communities find a new meaning in their lives with the support of KISS. Caring for the orphans is a challenging issue for any civilized society & KISS is doing its contribution in a significant way.

Besides this, KISS has also created awareness about girl child education, empowerment & up skilling. By encouraging entrepreneurship, KISS is trying to turn tribal students & their communities as the care takers of ecosystem & biodiversity.


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