Successful Kidney Transplant in KIMS

It can be seen as a huge leap by the Kalinga Institute Of Medical Science. Or it may be been seen as one of this Institute’s greater strides in the field of high class medical service jacking up the level of trust for KIMS.  Doctors of Kalinga Institute of Medical Science (KIMS) made a milestone achievement by successfully conducting a kidney transplant for the first time on 19th September.


A new life for the 23 year old patient suffering from  Terminal(End) Stage Renal disease underwent transplant. His mother was the donor. Both the patient & his mother are discharged on 29th September and doing well. The operation was done by transplant team doctors of KIMS including Dr. Nikunj Kishore Rout, Dr. Aswini Prasad Patnaik, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Padhi, Dr. Kumar Avijeet Dash and Prof Dr Suresh Ch Dash were from the nephrology team; Dr Sumanta Kumar Mishra, Dr. Amresh  Mishra , Dr. J B Jagdev , Dr. Sumit Panda were from the surgical team and Dr. Sanjaya Behera, Dr. Laba Kumar Nayak, Dr. G. C. Satpathy was from the anesthesia team. Dr Nikunj Kishore Rout led the transplant team. Dr D S Ray and his team who came from Kolkata extended support to the operating team.

It would not be an embellishment to say that the hard work of the above doctors imbued a new life to the patient at the same time it may be an error of judgment somehow to overlook one aspect. Which the doctors did in their magnanimity while thanking  Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT, KISS and KIMS who has been a fountainhead of strength. Also they thanked Major General Dr. P. K. Patnaik, Director General, KIMS for his guidance & constant encouragement.

Kidney Transplant is the gold standard of treatment in End Stage Kidney Disease. Dialysis is not always the permanent solution. The quality of life is definitely better in comparison to dialysis when a suitable kidney is made available. Relatives are preferred as donors, informed Dr Nikunj Kishore Rout. Dr. Rout said, there is a psychological fear that if a person donates one kidney he will be weak & face problems in life. We would like to dispel this misconceived notion by affirming that this is not a fact. A kidney donor can lead a healthy & unencumbered life with one kidney remaining. While selecting a donor maximum precaution is taken by conducting all types of test, i.e, Blood, Chest X-Ray, ECG, ECHO, Ultrasound, Renal  Angio etc. before undertaking transplantation. All legal procedures are also followed. Expressing his happiness Dr. A. Samanta congratulated the team of doctors for their successful achievement and he thanked Dr. P. K. Patniak and wish speedy recovery of the patient.


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