Important Centres at Kalara Bank- The Smart Village
Kalara Bank, the village in the Raghunathpur area of the Cuttack District of Odisha, is 25 kilometres from Cuttack and 54 kilometres from Bhubaneswar. 15 years from now, the village was completely neglected with no health, education and communication facilities available.
However, things have changed for the good in the recent past with development initiatives and support available from KIIT. This alone has converted the village into a smart village with almost all the major and minor facilities that people need to stay comfortably within the boundaries of the village.
Below, we will be having a look at the important centres that make Kalara Bank a smart village- the one that has always been a dream for the KIIT founder, Prof. Achyuta Samanta.
Kalinga English Medium School
This smart village is developed on the mantra followed by Achyuta Samanta, and that is precisely based on education.
- The Kalinga English Medium School in Kalara Bank has been established with the motive of helping children join the mainstream society by way of value-based and quality education.
- The school has been recording 100% results in the matriculation examinations every year because of good cooperation and coordination among the guardians, students and teachers.
- The student strength of the school is 600 with teaching facilities from Classes 1 to 6.
Public Reading Room and Library
The public library in this smart village has been set up by Nilimarani Memorial Charitable Trust.
- This library is an indispensable and exclusive learning centre for the general public and scholars.
- It boasts an impressive selection of reference books, textbooks, magazines and journals.
This smart village, which is supremely supported and financed by KIIT, is covered entirely under CCTV Surveillance System. Again, this facility also comes from the Nilimarani Memorial Charitable Trust.
- There are several CCTV cameras that boost the security and the safety of the village.
- The cameras carry out the task of scanning the different activities going on across the village 24/7.
- The CCTV Surveillance System at Kalara Bank is connected to the KIIT centre.

SHG or Self-Help Group
It is the Women Self Help Group initiated by Nilimarani Memorial Charitable Trust.
- SHG members make small regular savings and contributions.
- It works towards promoting the household and village enterprise by offering finances to members who are keenly interested in setting up small scale businesses.
- The SHG members hold meetings at regular intervals while the records of all the financial transactions are maintained in the most meticulous manner.
Solar Village
Sustainable and efficient solar energy solutions can be found throughout the Kalara Bank village in order to make it a distinguished solar village.
- There is a solar energy plant that supplies electricity to the majority of the public institutions operating within the village.
- The plant has been set up by Nilimarani Memorial Charitable Trust.
Metalled Road
After health and education, communication comes as a major priority for the developers at Kalara Bank.
- The village has great communication links.
- It is connected to the main road through a metalled road.
- There are even lanes and by-lanes within the village transformed into pucca pathways by Nilimarani Memorial Charitable Trust.
Other important centres one can find at Kalara Bank include bank, post office, community hall, police outpost, youth club and so on. On the whole, the village has got everything that people require to lead a comfortable and informed life. Make your way straight to if you really want to know about the functioning and the facilities available at Kalara Bank smart village.
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