KISS-DU Observes World Population Day

On 11th July, 2022, The School of Tribal Resource Management, KISS-DU observed World Population Day. The Professor and Head of the Department Migration and Urban Studies, IIPS or International Institute for Population Services, Mumbai, Professor Kailash Chandra Das spoke on the topic “Odisha of 48 Million Population: Demographic Opportunities and Challenges. The webinar was attended by the faculty members, research scholars and students of the School of Tribal Resource Management Professor Emeritus.

The Vice-Chancellor of KISS-DU, Professor Deepak Kumar Behera, showcased the significance of observing the World Population Day in his address. He even took this opportunity to tank the team of School of Tribal Resource Management for conducting the webinar on the most relevant topic.

Professor Das, the invited speaker shared his thoughts and concerns about the increase in the population of Odisha. He highlighted the impact of an increase in population across the globe, specifically India and the tribal population in particular along with its negative effects on productivity and economy. Professor Emeritus, Dr. Gopal Krishna Panda has his introductory remarks while Ms. Saurava Goswamy took the responsibility to set the tone of the webinar and to introduce all the invited guests.

The event started off with Signature Campaign along with slogans initiated by students from School of Tribal Resource Management. More than 3000 signatures were gathered from some of the most distinguished speakers, students, staff and the invited guests. This was a commemorative day of United Nations with the slogan “Towards a resilient future for all- Harnessing opportunities and ensuring rights and choices for all.” And on this day the webinar was organised in hybrid version to enlighten the participants about the different effects of large scale growth of population.

A stimulation Q&A session concluded the webinar along with a vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Aparna Premi Lina Oraon, Associate Professor, KISS-DU to all the delegates.


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