Understanding Everything about Pet Transportation Services in Bangalore

Moving to a new place along with your pet is never easy. At Global Pet Cab, they know this, which is why they strive to provide one-stop pet transportation services in Bangalore and thus create a worry-free and stress-free experience for you and your little furry friend. Global Pet Cab is the leading pet transportation service provider in Bangalore and one of your best choices for pet relocation across cities and countries and even within Bangalore. The company has a good reputation for transporting pets safely with sufficient stops; monitoring, medication and feeding in place to ensure relocation from home to another place is not a traumatic experience for them.


Preparing for Pet Transport Bangalore

Consider a few important points when preparing for pet transport in Bangalore

  • Prepare an overnight kit to ensure your pet has adequate toys, food and medicines required during the relocation.
  • Keep all vet records in place.
  • Keep a tag with all important details.
  • Ensure all vaccinations, including Rabies titer test, are up-to-date.
  • Have an IATA-approved crate in place. You can get it arranged through your pet relocation company. 

How Does the Process Work?

The process of pet transport in Bangalore through Global Pet Cab goes like this:

  • When you first contact the company, they will try to get all the important details about your pet and answer all your questions regarding the relocation.
  • The company will give you an exact idea of the price and the logistics involved in the relocation to avoid confusion. You will have all the necessary details about the price of pet travel even before the actual services begin.
  • And if you are satisfied with the quote provided, the company and its team can start with its initial procedure. They will contact you and closely examine your pet's vaccination and health history. They will also guide you through the next steps.
  • Once everything has been finalised and in place, the pet relocation service providers will start making travel arrangements for your pet, including transportation on both ends, choosing and booking proper flight schedules and ensuring your pet's travel documents are in perfect order for the date of departure.

Once everything is done, you will get a timeline of your pet's travel arrangements along with the dates of required blood tests and vet visits. Pet relocation service providers try their best to work as per their relocation schedules to ensure a hassle-free and smooth procedure.


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