Why Should You Opt for Wooden Handmade Toys for Your Child?

It is our goal as parents to provide our kids with the greatest possible facilities. We also question if choosing plastic or wooden toys is the better option. Plastic toys are reasonably priced and accessible in practically every nation due to their low cost and broad availability. We discuss the advantages of buying wooden toys for your kids in this blog post.

​​​​​​​Are wooden toys better than plastic?

Your assessment of whether wooden or plastic toys seem superior to you will depend on the criteria that guide your evaluation for optimum playtime with children. Evaluating yourself or your child based on the games they enjoy while playing is never recommended!
However, it is important to note that your child may spend days playing with plastic toys during his or her open-ended play journeys and should never be judged as ‘insufficient’ just because he/she plays using these tools for exploration and creating. 

On the other hand, many plastic toys are not designed for children’s open-ended play and do not offer all the benefits that wooden toys give in terms of environmental protection.
Nevertheless, as with plastic toys, all good wooden ones will be tested to the highest level of safety standards and carry age recommendations for use; therefore, these products are at least equal if not safer than their plastic counterparts. Wooden toys are often more durable than plastic ones, which can be easily broken or even destroyed.

Types of wooden toys 

Educational Toys: Wooden educational toys help students acquire crucial arithmetic abilities like pattern matching and identification. They provide several benefits, such as reading and writing, location awareness, counting, hand interaction, colour recognition, dynamic motor abilities, and much more, all while having fun. 

Handmade Toys: Playing allows children and toddlers to learn while still having fun. Handmade wooden toys like Wooden Doll House India improve intellect and reasoning. They also promote learning and growth.

What are the benefits of wooden toys?

  • The five major advantages of wooden toys are:
  • Bring nature into your home for sensory stimulation.
  • Encourage open-ended play for your child's development.
  • They are sustainable and can be passed down through generations.
  • They are safer than plastic toys, providing peace of mind.
  • They are also more durable, allowing for endless hours of imaginative play.

Visit the House of Zizi where they love wooden toys! All their Handmade Wooden Toys made from mango wood are designed and made to reflect all the benefits wooden toys have to offer. Browse their collection now which is not only durable but also boosts social and cognitive development in your child.


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